A brand new book,Awal Muharam :)

Dengan Nama Allah yang Maha Pemurah lagi Penyayang.

The night.after finished my maghrib solat i recite the tahun baru prayer.Which i got that frm SKBU2 last yr.Last yr we all recite that prayer at perhimpunan or masa tu kterog pggl Dataran kejat.GAHAHA:P skrg kat maktab pggl morning call jek wei .A brand new book :) i'm sicko of usinng the same book.Fr last Muharam which i was 13 .Bkn NEW chapter tapi i want to change it to BRAND NEW BOOK terus.So,here i'm going to be a new athirah.Do what god ask to, a girl that knows what her want,fulfil DAD's wishes and the most important thing is a very meaningful life to have .

The person that i have done so much mistakes to her.Uncountable :(

seorang yang melahirkan kita .
Tidak mengenal erti kepenatan mnjaga anak nya.
Jangan sesekali menyakitinya.
Walaupun kata-katanya menyakiti kita sesuatu masa.
Anggap lah ianya suatu khayalan yang akan hilang.

by:Astro Oasis Drama

But i don't really sure this sentences.Igt sikit-sikit jek la.

So,with hopes and fears dreams and reality i hope this year and maybe the next and next and coming soon year will bring me to the right and bright future,Amin .

Wahai Tuhan ku tak layak ke Syurgamu,
Namun tak pula aku sanggup ke Nerakamu,
Dari itu kurniakanlah keampunan kepadaku,
Ampunilah dosaku,
Sesungguhnya Engkaulah pengampun dosa-dosa besar.

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